Crimson's Castle <

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All the main info about Age of Kings: TC

All the main info about Empire Earth you need to know

A clan database, with all the info you should know about the clan gaming community

The main general discussion center for all RTS gamers

The Australian and New Zealand RTS gamers database, so u can easily find all those dedicated local gamers near you

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CrimsonArrow's Profile

First name: CrimsonArrow (real name: Tim)

Current gaming name: ViPeRz_CrIMsOn

Smurf or previous names: KOBR_CrIMsOn_ , Arch_Rival , LittleWolf , Arch_Wolf , Crimson_Smurf , tHe_SmUrf , tHe_JaCkal , AsSasSiN_, JKA_CrimsnArrow, MA_Raptor, RA_Raptor, RA_CrimsonArrow

Place of residence: Australia

History of online gaming: Began playing online games back in the aoe days and have slowly gained experience through the age series right up to now in aok:tc. In aoe i pretty much was a solo player, but eventually got to know the gaming community from the old forums of AoEH, AoKH. With the upcoming announcement of AoE2 being released i decided to try creating a new clan. Through this series i had created and led the RA clan that at it's peak had about 50 active players. Then after about a year or so later the RA clan was slowly degenerating so it was decided that we would merge with the JKA Clan ( RA kept some of its identity by becoming an elite hunting group within the jka base. JKA was one of the largest and most active clans during the aoe2 timeslot. As interest for the rookie to intermediate players began to drop and other games became more attractive, JKA slowly began to shrink from its once strong 100 members. I resigned from leadership and eventually retired from the clan. Moving into the KOBR Clan. I was attracted to this clan because of its steady, active members and also a number of top tc players in the world. At its peak KOBR would have being if not the best one of the best clans in the Australian/NZ area. At the moment i am entering the next stage of RTS gaming, awaiting the introduction of Empire Earth. Nearing the end of the AoK:TC era i decided to create a new type of clan for EE. A kind of 2 in 1 Clan that was suited for all gamers, from expert to rookie. I became the leader of the expert-high inter ViPeRz Clan in close association with the ViPz Clan a strong gaming community was created.

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